Gender game

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The gender game (also known as the gender war) is a game on the PolyPirates Discord server where the users try to hold onto the Discord roles "has the gender" and "has the agender" for as long as possible, ideally having both at the same time. The game does not necessarily have a goal but holding onto the roles for 24 hours is said to trigger additional features. The game is managed by the server bot Polyamatey.

The role "has the gender" is easily acquired by reacting with 🚁 on the appropriate post in the channel "#📄-read-to-join".[1] Doing so will cause everyone who already "has the gender" to lose it. As a consequence, it is hard to defend. Having the gender changes the color of a user's name to bright pink unless they are an admin or also have the agender. To find out who currently has the gender the command !gender can be used.

The role "has the agender" is hard to acquire, but easy to defend. To get this role the "agender" has to appear on the "#⛵-main-deck" channel. This happens in the form of an 👀 reaction by Polyamatey to random text messages on that channel. The probability of a message getting this reaction is currently 5%.[2] The first user to react with 👀 to that message as well gets the role and their user name color will change to light green unless they are an admin. This will also cause each user who already "has the agender" to lose it. To find out who currently has the gender the command !agender can be used.

Holding onto both roles for twelve hours will make Polyamatey issue a warning on the "#⛵-main-deck" channel, another one after a total of 23 hours. If a user manages to hold onto both roles for a total of 24 hours, they are awarded the "has superpowers" role, which will change their user name to a lite orange, as long as no other color-changing role is active. Additional features for this known are currently unknown.


On January 14, 2021, discord user HappyNap posted a screenshot of a post on Tumblr, where Ben Shapiro, who appears to be famous for unrelated reasons[3], stated that "Cartoon Network tells children that there are multiple genders". [4] Other Tumblr users pointed out, that this statement implies the existence of only one gender, carrying forward to humorous statements about "the gender" being a single entity that only one person can have at a time. The Captain implemented the according Polyamatey feature shortly thereafter and it was released on January 26th, 2021.

On January 27, 2021, a user asked if they could get an anti-gender in addition to the gender, [5] leading to the implementation of "the agender" on the same day.

More than a week later, on February 5, HappyNap suggested the implementation of the !gender and !agender commands. The following discussion lead to another user stating "also if you have both [the gender and the agender] at the same time for an entire day you get super powers". [6] The Captain not only implemented the commands that day but also created a feature that would track for how long a user is holding onto those roles, making the gender war more serious than before.[7]


  • Both !gender and !agender will also reveal if someone has both roles.
  • If for some reason two users manage to get one of the roles at the same time, another user gaining that role will cause them both to lose it.
  • Users sometimes react with 👀 to random messages, simulating the appearance of the agender to trick others.
  • No one managed to trigger Polyamatey's twelve-hour-warning yet.
